Ольга Агур

translation from Russian by Galina Itskovich

How does one live inside the war

How does one live inside the war
in his stunned mother-country
in his endless remorse
for staying put
for not being able to split
for crossing the doorstep at once
for joining the motherfucking ranks
but refusing to kill 
and wanting to kill them all 
squash this disease with ease
guilty of following orders
of not getting the order
of the shortage of cigarettes and boxers
of the shortness of nights
everything else is fine
cherry pie
he’s presently alive but sick with life sick and tired
scans his targets
the rest is scarce
and all the smells fuse 
and pull him down the route
where others lie..
don’t look do not turn around
How does one live in the war zone next to war 
he sleeps fully dressed on the floor
frontline is a line
drawn by a steel pencil no. 9
soft yet hard 
thick yet fine
he seems to go to work
he seems to take her kid on a walk
he seems to get ready to God-praise
yet he is fully erased
his head is in shards
mom and daughter stay in one part
another bit is filled by the future rhyme
a thought how to last
until the weekend starts occupies other shards
what if they give her two days’ leave
Imwithoutyou youwihtoutme 
be quiet quiet don’t assert your rights
this is the end of words
How does one live next to the war
not within but without
in a safe spot
although that such place exists he doubts 
he won’t get shot so what
his home is left behind
he left his family there
he left his leg over there
he left his arm over there
he left his soul over there
that’s how he lives and everybody lies to him
on a whim
How does one live at war 
he’s in the dream in the dreamy stupor
and thinks it will stop tomorrow
and thinks that his life is hollow
oh no it is wisely spent oh no I can’t
I’ll stay
I’ll not stay
I’ll never run away

Галина Ицкович родилась и выросла в Одессе, живёт в Нью-Йорке. В 1998 году получила степень магистра социальной работы. Психотерапевт, преподаватель-эксперт (вопросы детского развития и психологической травмы), клинический консультант института ICDL, лектор, автор профессиональных статей, с февраля 2022- координатор нескольких проектов по работе с беженцами. Стихи, рассказы, переводы и публицистика регулярно публиковались в русскоязычной периодике, а также в англоязычных журналах и альманахах. Автор книги стихов «Примерка счастья». Публикации 2022 года — «Времена» (публицистика), «Южное сияние», «Слово/Word», «Среда», «День зарубежной русской поэзии», «Западное Побережье», антология «Копилка», на английском - «Unlikely Stories» и «Harpy Hybrid Review». Публикация серии путевых очерков в «Формаслове» была прервана войной.

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