may his tap water
turn into the blood of slaughter.
may a plague-infested cesspit
claim this bastard, this despot.
may his digs be filled with stench,
so his chow, and his sleeping bench,
and the dough of his bros and his hoes
crawl with maggots and decompose.
may his nest stink with sewage raw,
may leeches suck on his maw
before the pit of time devours
him in his final hours.
may all of riches stark
and palaces fair
fall to the deadly dark,
the undying dark of despair.
and may his brood
be by angels of death barbecued,
all of his children, no fewer,
each on a flaming skewer.
Владимир Гандельсман. Египетское
вода, льющаяся из крана
да обратится в кровь.
да постигнет чумной ров
хаза да провоняет, дабы
в шконке его, в жратве
и у братвы в ботве
жили черви и жабы.
да зловонят в гнезде отбросы,
да облепят его мурло
до того, как пожрёт жерло
времени, кровососы.
да обрушится на сусеки
и его терема
смертоносная тьма,
непроглядная тьма навеки.
да сойдут ангелы смерти
на детей его
и возьмут всех до одного
на горящие жерди.